Services we provide to our public
Adeegyadda aanu siino Dadwaynahayaga


Horumarinta Waxbarashadda Aas-aasiga Ee Degmada Gabiley

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Horumarinta Caafimaadka Aas-aasiga Degmada Gabiley

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Dhismaha Iyo Hirgalinta Wadoooyin Cusub oo la jaanqadayaa, Sidoo kale dayactirka wadooyinka Degmada Gabiley

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Horumarinta Waxsoosaarka Beeraha Iyo Isku filnaansho ay Degmadu ka gaadho xaga waxsoosaarka.

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Horumarinta Deegaanka, La dagaalanka Isbeddelka Cimiladde ee Isbedelaysa Iyo La Qabsigooga.

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Horumarinta Amniga Iyo Kor u qaadida Nabadgalyada Degmada.

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Horumarinta Biyaha Degmada Iyo Sidii ay bulshadu heli lahayd biyo macaan oo nadiif ah.

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Horumarinta Ciyaaraha Degmada, Sannadkii hore waxaanu hirgalinay Afar kooxood.

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Who we are

Mohamed-Amin Omer Abdi

Duqa Gabiley
Message of the mayor

Dear Residents of Gabiley,
I am honored to address you as the Mayor of this vibrant community. It is with great pride and commitment that I take on the responsibility of serving you, working towards the betterment of our beloved Gabiley.
Our town has a rich history and a promising future, and together, we will build on our strengths and overcome challenges. I am dedicated to fostering an environment of open communication, collaboration, and inclusivity. Every voice in our community matters, and I encourage you to actively participate in the decisions that shape our town's future. As we embark on this journey together, my administration will focus on key priorities, including improving infrastructure, enhancing public services, and promoting sustainable development. We aim to create a Gabiley that is not only prosperous but also a place we are proud to call home.


Since 2015,
As Mayor of Gabiley.

2024 Development Projects
Mashaaricda Horumarineed Ee 2024

Mashaariicdii qorshaysnayd sannadkan 2023 ee Dawladda Hoose Degmada Gabiley.

Year of 2024


Projects Status

Minqiiyaaska Mashaariicdii Sannadkan 2024.

To serve our community with dedication and integrity, providing essential services, fostering sustainable development, and ensuring the well-being and prosperity of all residents of Gabiley District.

A community where inclusivity thrives, infrastructure is resilient, and opportunities abound; a place where residents take pride in their environment, history is preserved, and the future is built on a foundation of innovation and collaboration.

Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty and ethical conduct, ensuring transparency in all our actions and decisions. Community-Centric: Our focus is on the well-being and needs of our residents. We actively engage with and listen to our community to shape policies and services. Innovation: We embrace creativity and forward-thinking solutions to address challenges and improve the quality of life for our residents. Collaboration: We foster partnerships and collaborations with stakeholders, both within and outside the community, to achieve common goals and enhance collective impact. Resilience: We are committed to building and maintaining robust infrastructure, ensuring the resilience of our community against environmental, economic, and social challenges. Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and decisions, being accountable to our community through open communication and effective governance. Sustainability: We strive to balance the needs of the present with the needs of the future, promoting sustainable practices that preserve our environment and resources.

Projects We Have Done
Mashaariicda Aanu Fulinay
Executive Committee
Guddiga Fulinta
team image
Mayor of Gabiley
Mohamed-Amin Omer Abdi
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Deputy Mayor
Abdilahi Ismail Abdi
team image
Executive Secretary
Abdiqadir Mohamed Abdi
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